Our Cultural Connections and Associate Companies:
Back to Ours Arts Limited is a member of Cultural Collisions. Cultural Collisions brings sector leaders together to strengthen cultural activity in our region, advocating for arts and culture through a shared voice. Our members are representatives of current and recent National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs) and Local Authorities from Hull, the East Riding, North and North East Lincolnshire. If you would like to hear more about Cultural Collisions, reach out to our current Chair Paul Smith on paul{at}middlechildtheatre.co.uk.

The Herd Theatre make innovative new shows about the world young people live in today. At the heart of everything they make is a collaboration with a group of young people: they play, they create, they share and they listen to understand the experience of being young in 2020.
They believe young audiences deserve unique, challenging and entertaining experiences as much as any, collaborating with exceptional artists to push the expectations of children’s theatre.
Concrete Youth is an award-winning, Hull-based company dedicated to creating ground-breaking and exciting multi-sensory theatre for audiences living with profound multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).
Partnered with Artsmark, their education department provides excellent bespoke workshops, private and group sensory stories, along with their nationally-recognised scheme, Signing Sundays.

Bold and innovative, Davy and Kristin McGuire’s work combines mesmerising theatricality with technical wizardry and exquisite craftsmanship.
Their renowned projection mapping installations have been exhibited, sold, published and screened internationally and their critically acclaimed theatrical projects have been invited to tour to more than 60 different countries over four continents.
Cluster Arts works with extraordinary artists to bring work to the stage.
With a passion for supporting and nurturing unforgettable work, they’re a networking and advocacy leader for artists in Australia and beyond. Through Cluster Arts we work with Casus Circus, who’ve brought contemporary shows DNA and Driftwood from Australia to Back to Ours.

Lost in Translation is one of the UK’s leading contemporary circus companies.
With a deep desire to connect people, communities and cultures, they actively work to engage and develop new audiences through performance.